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Remove NSBK-C8975 Mason, Michael The Making of Victorian Sexual Attitudes: £11.50
Remove NSBK-A6133 Lockwood, Helen Drusilla Tools and the Man: A Comparative Study of the French Workingman and English Chartists in the Literature of 1830-1848 £7.00
Remove NSBK-A9304 Bolos, Jordi and Busqueta, Joan J Territori i Societat a l'Edat Mitjana: Història, Arqueologia, Doumentació £14.00
Remove NSBK-C14504 Summerfield, Penny and Peniston-Bird, Corinna Contesting Home Defence: Men, Women and the Home Guard in the Second World War £12.00
Remove NSBK-A3093 Miller, G. W Educational Opportunity and the Home: £3.00
Remove NSBK-A5407 White, Andrew The Buildings of Georgian Lancaster: £6.75
Remove NSBK-C6503 Aiken, Lucy Epistles on Women: Exemplifying Their Character and Condition in Various Ages and Nations, With Miscellaneous Poems £7.00
Remove NSBK-C14002 Stodart, M. A Principles of Education Practically Considered: with an Especial Reference to the Present State of Female Education in England £28.00
Remove NSBK-A14379 Williams, Leonard The Arts And Crafts Of Older Spain: Volume II only £16.00
Remove NSBK-C10070 Phillips, Anne Divided Loyalties: Dilemmas of Sex and Class £3.00
Remove NSBK-C4338 Coleman, Deirdre, ed Maiden Voyages and Infant Colonies: Two Women's Travel Narratives of the 1790s £5.00
Remove NSBK-C15385 Haire, Norman Hymen or the Future of Marriage: £19.00
Remove NSBK-C1363 Kamm, Josephine Indicative Past: a Hundred Years of the Girls' Public Day School Trust £9.00
Remove NSBK-A9802 Chamberlain, M. E The New Imperialism: £2.00
Remove NSBK-A11909 Pares, Richard King George III and the Politicians: The Ford Lectures Delivered in Oxford, 1951-2 £4.99
Remove NSBK-C7735 Hoffert, Sylvia D Private Matters: American Attitudes toward Childbearing and Infant Nurture in the Urban North, 1800-1860 £16.00
Remove NSBK-A13637 Spencer, Herbert Tumours Complicating Pregnancy, Labour and the Puerperium: Being The Lettsomian Lectures Delivered Before The Medical Society Of London, February and March 1920 £75.00
Remove NSBK-A1555 Rex, John & Moore, Robert Race, Community and Conflict: a Study of Sparkbrook £3.00
Remove NSBK-A15399 Meinertzhagen, Col. R. A Preliminary Study of the Relation Between Geographical Distribution: And Migration With Special Reference to the Palaearctic Region £22.00
Remove NSBK-C7548 Black, Clementina A New Way of Housekeeping: £7.50
Remove NSBK-A11858 Kelly, Thomas Outside the Walls: Sixty Years of University Extension at Manchester 1886-1946 £12.00
Remove NSBK-A5119 Kushner, Tony Observing the "Other": Mass-Observation and "Race" £7.00
Remove NSBK-C3742 Calder, Jenni The Victorian Home: £8.00
Remove NSBK-A14852 Toulalan, Sarah Imagining Sex: Pornography and Bodies in Seventeenth-Century England £68.00
Remove NSBK-C12560 Robinson, Lillian S Sex, Class and Culture: £7.00
Remove NSBK-H14309 Figes, Eva Sex and Subterfuge: Women Writers to 1850 £5.00
Remove NSBK-C7304 Markus, Julia Dared and Done: The Marriage of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning £4.50
Remove NSBK-A12372 Burke, Peter Sociology and History: £10.00
Remove NSBK-A7427 Lincoln, E. F The Heritage of Yorkshire: £6.00
Remove NSBK-A6874 Davies, Martin, ed Columbus in Italy: an Italian Versification of the Letter on the Discovery of the New World. With facsimiles of the Italian and Latin Editions of 1493 £7.50
Remove NSBK-A12079 Reece, S Guide to Manchester and Salford: £7.00
Remove NSBK-C15736 Colley, Linda The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh: a Woman in World History £8.99
Remove NSBK-A5887 Boase, Roger The Troubadour Revival: A Study of Social Change and Traditionalism in Late Medieval Spain £8.00
Remove NSBK-A13968 Victorian Ministry for the Arts, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia The Visual Arts in Victoria: a Survey £18.00
Remove NSBK-C1822 Huggett, Frank E Life Below Stairs: Domestic Servants in England from Victorian Times £8.95
Remove NSBK-F8544 Hollis, Wyndham, ed Mr Punch's Progress and Other Observations: A Salute to the Star of the Show by the Punch and Judy College of Professors £17.00
Remove NSBK-A10714 Robinson, H and Bamford., C. G Geography of Transport: £4.00
Remove NSBK-C15016 Culley, Margo and Portuges, Catherine Gendered Subjects: The Dynamics of Feminist Teaching £8.00
Remove NSBK-C5258 Summers, Anne Angels and Citizens: British Women as Military Nurses 1854-1914 £7.50
Remove NSBK-C5582 Whyte, Edna Gardner Rising Above It: An Autobiography £5.50
Remove NSBK-B1358 Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy Carnival in Romans: a People's Uprising at Romans, 1579-1580 £8.00
Remove NSBK-C2825 Birchall, Emily Wedding Tour: January-June 1873 and Visit to the Vienna Exhibition, Emily Birchall £5.00
Remove NSBK-A13955 Fowler, Will D-Day: The First 24 Hours £9.00
Remove NSBK-A5981 Beller, Steven Herzl: £3.00
Remove NSBK-C15630 Watkins, Micky Henrietta Barnett in Whitechapel: Her First Fifty Years £25.00
Remove NSBK-C5274 Motz, Marilyn Ferris True Sisterhood: Michigan Women and their Kin, 1820-1920 £6.00
Remove NSBK-A10253 Walsh, Margaret, ed Motor Transport: £11.00
Remove NSBK-C13375 Anon, Every Woman's Book of Home-making Home Making: £7.00
Remove NSBK-A13511 Scottish Education Department, Ministry of Transport Report: of the Scottish Inter-Departmental Committee on Road Safety among School Children £26.00
Remove NSBK-F7654 Magic Poster Greeting Cards, An Assorted Selection of 10 Attractive Magic Poster Greetings Cards: Pack 1: £9.99
Remove NSBK-A13093 Punch and Judy Poster, Reproduction of a Rare 1880 Image The True Story of Punch and Judy: Royal Polytechnic. New Entertainment by Damer Cape. Humourous, Musical, Pictorial, Tragical, Comical. New Views by A. Mayhew & J. Green. New Music, by Edouard Frewin & Alfred Lee. New songs by Damer Cape & New Effects by the Institution. Twice Daily £7.00
Remove NSBK-A1038 Journal, Radical History Review: Teaching Gender £1.00
Remove NSBK-A7276 Aldcroft, Derek H British Transport Since 1914: an Economic History £3.00
Remove NSBK-A7530 Bird, Anthony Roads and Vehicles: £4.00
Remove NSBK-A13179 Young, G. M. ed Early Victorian England, 1830-1865: Volume 1 £22.00
Remove NSBK-A10549 Stafford, D. C The Economics of Housing Policy: £9.00
Remove NSBK-C15622 Cott, Nancy F The Bonds of Womanhood: Woman's Sphere" in New England, 1780-1835 £18.00
Remove NSBK-A4069 Simon, E.D The Anti-Slum Campaign: £12.00
Remove NSBK-A2597 Lamont, Thomas W My Boyhood in a Parsonage: Some Brief Sketches of American Life Toward the Close of the Last Century £10.00
Remove NSBK-A7277 Liddiard, Mabel British Red Cross Society: Infant Welfare Manual. No 9 £6.00
Remove NSBK-A12338 Horn, Susan Householder Van Women, Work and Fertility, 1900-1986: £19.00
Remove NSBK-A13754 Beamont, William Annals of the Lords of Warrington and Bewsey from 1587 to 1833: When Warrington Became a Parliamentary Borough. In Two Parts. Part I: Warrington. Part II: Bewsey. With Notices of Historical and Local Events £35.00
Remove NSBK-A13745 Carter, G.A A History of Latchford from the Bronze Age to the Nineteenth Century: £15.50
Remove NSBK-C15720 Fildes, Valerie; Marks, Lara and Marland, Hilary Women & Children First: International Maternal and Infant Welfare, 1870 - 1945 £25.00
Remove NSBK-C7322 Rendall, Jane Women in an Industrialising Society, 1750-1880: £6.99
Remove NSBK-A7822 Sutton, Richard Motor Mania: Stories from a Motoring Century £10.00
Remove NSBK-C15468 Chandrasekhar, S A Dirty, Filthy Book: The Writings of Charles Knowlton and Annie Besant on Reproductive Physiology and Birth Control and an Acount of the Bradlaugh-Besant Trial £50.00
Remove NSBK-C15609 Mangan, J. A. and Park, Roberta J., eds From 'Fair Sex' to Feminism: Sport and the Socialization of Women in the Industrial and Post-Industrial Eras £28.95
Remove NSBK-A7695 Rooper, T.G School and Home Life: Essays and Lectures on Current Educational Topics £4.00
Remove NSBK-A14410 McKenna, Paul Superb Squash Audio CD: Sports Hypnosis £6.75
Remove NSBK-F10730 Magic Poster Greeting Cards, Magic Poster Greeting Cards: Pack 2: Assorted Pack of 13 Historic Magic Posters Reproduced as Greetings Cards £11.99
Remove NSBK-C8860 Stone, Dorothy The National: The Story of a Pioneer College: The National Training College of Domestic Subjects £13.00
Remove NSBK-A1889 O'Brien, P Warrington Academy, 1757-86: its Predecessors & Successors £14.00
Remove NSBK-A12616 Ozga, Jenny, ed Schoolwork: Approaches to the Labour Process of Teaching £8.00
Remove NSBK-C653 Hall, Ruth Marie Stopes: a Biography £4.00
Remove NSBK-A14740 Holman, John and Sellers, Ian Warrington: a History for Schools £16.99
Remove NSBK-C8925 Rose, June Marie Stopes and the Sexual Revolution: £4.00
Remove NSBK-A12364 Bagwell, Philip S Doncaster: Town of Train Makers, 1853-1990 £9.00
Remove NSBK-A3245 Stuart, Dorothy Margaret The Boy Through the Ages: £13.00
Remove NSBK-A3686 Moss, Michael; Elson, S. & Hume, John, eds A Plumber's Pastime: Photographs of Victorian Life in the West of Scotland by Matthew Morrison £4.00
Remove NSBK-A15104 Thompson, Ann and Wilcox, Helen, eds Teaching Women: Feminism and English Studies £6.00
Remove NSBK-A14049 Turner, William The Warrington Academy, 1757 - 1786: £22.00
Remove NSBK-A5218 Gardiner, Juliet D-Day: Those Who Were There £7.00
Remove NSBK-A5740 Buckley, V. C Good Times: At Home and Abroad Between the Wars £6.00
Remove NSBK-A4710 Dyment, Clifford The Railway Game: an Early Autobiography £6.00
Remove NSBK-A13892 Everett-Heath, E. J.; Moss, G. M.; Mowat, A.; Reid, K Military Helicopters: £16.00
Remove NSBK-A8295 Thomas, David St John The Country Railway: £5.00
Remove NSBK-A6867 Hollett, David The Pioneer Ramblers, 1850 - 1940: £9.00
Remove NSBK-C77 Stopes, Marie Wise Parenthood: the Treatise on Birth Control for Married People £5.00
Remove NSBK-A14698 Manchester Ship Canal Company, The Bridgewater Canal Handbook: £15.00
Remove NSBK-A6687 Allaun, Frank No Place Like Home: Britain's Housing Tragedy (from the Victim's View) and How to Overcome It £2.50
Remove NSBK-C3627 Holdsworth, Angela Out of the Doll's House: The Story of Women in the Twentieth Century £4.50
Remove NSBK-A14495 Mounfield, Arthur Early Warrington Nonconformity: A Memorial Volume Issued by the Congregation of Cairo Street Chapel in Commemoration of the 250th Anniversary of the Granting of a License for Nonconformist Worship in Warrington £38.00
Remove NSBK-C13522 Hewitt, Graily The Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment of the Diseases of Women: Including a Diagnosis of Pregnancy £78.00
Remove NSBK-A15251 Rogers, H. C. B. Mounted Troops of British Army, 1066 - 1945: £17.00
Remove NSBK-A14131 Heath, Carl Military Service, Compulsory and Otherwise: £8.00
Remove NSBK-C15499 West Yorkshire Homeworking Group, A Penny A Bag: Campaigning on Homework £14.00
Remove NSBK-C13489 Folbre, Nancy, et al eds Women's Work in the World Economy: £8.00
Remove NSBK-C13227 Hobhouse, Emily The Brunt of War and Where it Fell: £25.95
Remove NSBK-A10251 Royle, Edward Chartism: £4.00
Remove NSBK-C15414 Suffragette Reproduction Badge / Brooch, Scottish University Women's Suffrage Union: £9.50
Remove NSBK-A5979 Kendall, Walter The Labour Movement in Europe: £5.00
Remove NSBK-C15120 Moat, Florence and Sumner, Josephine The Concise Series of Practical Housecraft: I. Housewifery £16.00
Remove NSBK-A10425 Dinwiddy, J. R Chartism: £4.99
Remove NSBK-A1882 Ruskin, John The Ethics of the Dust: Ten Lectures to Little Housewives on the Elements of Crystallization £5.00
Remove NSBK-A10587 Francome, Colin and Holland, Charlie Juggling for All: £4.00
Remove NSBK-C5967 Sand, George My Life: George Sand £6.00
Remove NSBK-C15413 Reproduction Suffragette Badge, Modern Replica Suffragette Badge / Brooch - Clarion Angel: Votes for Women £9.50
Remove NSBK-A11180 Marsh, E. L Laundry Work: In Theory and Practice £8.00
Remove NSBK-A14945 Hewitt, Patricia About Time: Revolution in Work and Family Life £8.99
Remove NSBK-C15728 Department of Education, Strathclyde Regional Council Scottish Women and the Vote: Sources for the History of the Women's Suffrage Movement in Scotland £25.00
Remove NSBK-C14159 Beechey, Veronica and Perkins, Tessa A Matter of Hours: Women, Part-time Work and the Labour Market £7.00
Remove NSBK-A4884 Stearns, Peter N Lives of Labour: Work in a Maturing Industrial Society £10.00
Remove NSBK-A5355 Anderson, Christopher The Domestic Constitution or the Family Circle: the Source and Test of National Stability £12.00
Remove NSBK-A8666 Allen, Sheila and Wolkowitz, Carol Homeworking: Myths and Realities £5.50
Remove NSBK-C15509 Beauchamp, Joan Women Who Work: £9.00
Remove NSBK-A14054 Blair, Maud and Holland, Janet, eds Identity and Diversity: Gender and the Experience of Education £6.00
Remove NSBK-A14055 Simpson, M. A. and Lloyd, T. H., eds Middle Class Housing in Britain: £17.99
Remove NSBK-A5191 Koenraads, Jan P Dutch Painters: from the Heart of Holland in the Last Century £9.00
Remove NSBK-C4379 Hijab, Nadia Womanpower: The Arab Debate on Women at Work £8.00
Remove NSBK-C2376 Schleiner, Louise Tudor and Stuart Women Writers: £9.00
Remove NSBK-C1474 Kraditor, Aileen S The Ideas of the Woman Suffrage Movement, 1890-1920: £12.50
Remove NSBK-C15171 Despard, Annabelle, ed A Woman's Place: Women, Domesticity and Private Life £30.00
Remove NSBK-A15055 Holland, Dennis When I Could Nearly Walk: £12.00
Remove NSBK-C3393 Hart, Clive, ed Historico-Moral Dissertation on the Misogyny of Scholars: Evil-Minded Learned Men Against the Female Sex (1717) £5.00
Remove NSBK-C12633 Holland, Janet, Blair, Maud, and Sheldon., S. eds Debates and Issues in Feminist Research and Pedagogy: £10.00
Remove NSBK-C8942 Enamel Reproduction Suffragette Badge, Organisers & Organising Secretaries NUWSS (National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies): Women's Suffrage £13.50
Remove NSBK-C12409 Wise, Nancy Baker and Wise, Christy A Mouthful of Rivets: Women at Work in World War II £9.00
Remove NSBK-A13055 Packe, Michael St John The Life of John Stuart Mill: £23.50
Remove NSBK-A5038 Spaull, Hebe The Co-operative Movement in the World Today: £5.00
Remove NSBK-C10517 Wilson, S.J Women, the Family and the Economy: £12.50
Remove NSBK-H8038 Joannou, Maroula 'Ladies, Please Don't Smash These Windows': Women's Writing, Feminist Consciousness and Social Change, 1918-38 £9.00
Remove NSBK-C5097 Fawcett, Millicent Garrett Women's Suffrage: a Short History of a Great Movement £11.00
Remove NSBK-A10815 University of Wales Press Board, They Look at Wales: £7.00
Remove NSBK-A1435 Thompson, Dorothy, ed The Early Chartists: £6.99
Remove NSBK-A3988 Parr, Joy Labouring Children: British Immigrant Apprentices to Canada, 1869-1924 £11.99
Remove NSBK-C13246 Hutchins, Grace Women Who Work: £15.00
Remove NSBK-C15677 Bridger, Anne and Jordan, Ellen Timely Assistance: The Work of the Society for Promoting the Training of Women 1859 - 2009 £7.99
Remove NSBK-A13053 Owen, Frank Tempestuous Journey: Lloyd George His Life and Times £10.00
Remove NSBK-C11859 Arnold, Eleanor, ed Voices of American Homemakers: £5.00
Remove NSBK-A11476 Boyd, Kenneth M Scottish Attitudes to Sex, Marriage and the Family, 1850-1914: £11.00
Remove NSBK-A13441 Holland, Eric G Coniston Copper: a History £45.00
Remove NSBK-A13054 Friesen, John W When Cultures Clash: £11.50
Remove NSBK-A14999 Partington, Geoffrey Women Teachers in the Twentieth Century: in England and Wales £9.00
Remove NSBK-C15586 Giles, Judy Women, Identity and Private Life in Britain, 1900-50: £28.00
Remove NSBK-C13258 Stansell, Christine City of Women: Sex and Class in New York, 1789-1860 £18.00
Remove NSBK-C8808 Women's Social and Political Union, Replica Badge (Suffragettes) Sowing the Seeds of Suffrage: Modern Reproduction Suffragette Badge in Enamel £13.50
Remove NSBK-C5188 Taylor, Helen The Claim of Englishwomen to the Suffrage Constitutionally Considered: £5.00
Remove NSBK-C7668 Roberts, Elizabeth Women's Work, 1840-1940: £4.99
Remove NSBK-A1167 Mather, F.C Chartism: £3.00
Remove NSBK-C12628 Scott, Anne Firor and Scott, Andrew MacKay One Half the People: The Fight for Woman Suffrage £25.00
Remove NSBK-C9325 Holland, Dorothy C. and Eisenhart, Margaret A Educated in Romance: Women, Achievement, and College Culture £9.90
Remove NSBK-C5474 Marshall, Susan E Splintered Sisterhood: Gender and Class in the Campaign Against Woman Suffrage £15.99
Remove NSBK-C10502 Holcombe, Lee Victorian Ladies at Work: Middle-Class Working Women in England and Wales, 1850 - 1914 £16.00
Remove NSBK-C12173 Wallace, Jonathan and Mangan, Mark Sex, Laws and Cyber Space: £6.50
Remove NSBK-A15743 Holmes, M.R., London Museum Arms and Armour in Tudor and Stuart London: £11.00
Remove NSBK-C1291 Dixon, Ruth B Rural Women at Work: Strategies for Development in South Asia £6.00
Remove NSBK-A8259 Tranter, N. L Population Since the Industrial Revolution: The Case of England and Wales £8.90
Remove NSBK-A1536 Jones, David Chartism and the Chartists: £5.00
Remove NSBK-C10513 McFeely, Mary Drake Women's Work in Britain and America from the Nineties to World War I: An Annotated Bibliography £8.00
Remove NSBK-A5442 National Gallery, Art in Seventeenth Century Holland: £11.00
Remove NSBK-A8523 Nicholson, Mavis What Did You Do in the War, Mummy?: Women in World War II £8.00
Remove NSBK-C10190 Mackie, Lindsay and Pattullo, Polly Women at Work: £4.00
Remove NSBK-C5579 Dubois, Ellen Carol Harriot Stanton Blatch and the Winning of Woman Suffrage: £8.00
Remove NSBK-A12877 Hetherington, H The Poor Man's Guardian, 1831 - 1835: Vol 3 £40.00
Remove NSBK-A12315 Haraszti, Eva Chartism: £11.00
Remove NSBK-C5784 Wilson, Mary A European Journal: Two Sisters Abroad in 1847 £7.00
Remove NSBK-G12275 Holland, Peter How to Make Play Houses: £8.00
Remove NSBK-C200 Stowell, Sheila A Stage of their Own: Feminist Playwrights of the Suffrage Era £28.00
Remove NSBK-C7509 Watson, Mrs Sydney A Village Maiden's Career: Life Story of Mrs Sydney Watson £9.00
Remove NSBK-C15696 Brammer, Leila R Excluded from Suffrage History: Matilda Joslyn Gage, Nineteenth-century American Feminist £38.00
Remove NSBK-A2405 Hyndman, Michael Schools and Schooling in England and Wales: a Documentary History £8.50
Remove NSBK-A10331 Cole, G.D.H The Life of William Cobbett: £6.00
Remove NSBK-C6054 Martindale, C. C Daughters of the Cross: £5.00
Remove NSBK-C1076 Blackburn, Helen Women's Suffrage: a Record of the Women's Suffrage Movement in the British Isles with Biographical Sketches of Miss Becker £34.00
Remove NSBK-C15472 Cheney, Ednah, D Louisa May Alcott: Her Life, Letters and Journals £35.00
Remove NSBK-A8520 Maylunas, Andrei and Mironenko, Sergei A Lifelong Passion: Nicholas and Alexandra. Their Own Story £6.00
Remove NSBK-A14074 Corporation of Nottingham, Records of the Borough of Nottingham: Being a Series of Extracts from the Archives of the Corporation of Nottingham. Vol IX. 1836 - 1900 £25.00
Remove NSBK-A15398 Meinertzhagen, Col. R. Some Preliminary Remarks on the Velocity of Migratory Flight Among Birds: With Special Reference to the Palaearctic Region £24.00
Remove NSBK-H13776 Briggs, Asa Marks and Spencer, 1884-1984: A Centenary History £10.00
Remove NSBK-A7767 Unesco, Bibliographic Guide to Studies on the Status of Women: Development and Population Trends £9.50
Remove NSBK-A2830 Philips, David Crime and Authority in Victorian England: The Black Country 1835-1860 £25.00
Remove NSBK-A11863 Andrade, E. N. Da C A Brief History of the Royal Society, 1660-1960: £3.99
Remove NSBK-A5524 Matthews, John Amos: Rev. Amos B. Matthews, Victorian Methodist Traveller £3.00
Remove NSBK-C6502 Butler, Josephine E Truth Before Everything: £8.99
Remove NSBK-A11163 Goldie, Grace Wyndham The Liverpool Repertory Theatre, 1911-1934: £9.00

Subtotal - £2356.49

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